ProfileControl Class Reference

#include <app_profile.h>

Inheritance diagram for ProfileControl:

AppBase LineProfile1D AppBase LineProfile1D MyGnomeTools MyGnomeTools MyGnomeTools MyGnomeTools List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ProfileControl (gchar *titlestring=NULL, int ChNo=-1)
 ProfileControl (gchar *titlestring, int n, UnitObj *ux, UnitObj *uy, double xmin=0., double xmax=1., gchar *resid=NULL)
 ProfileControl (gchar *filename, gchar *resource_id_string)
 ~ProfileControl ()
void Init (gchar *titlestring, int ChNo, gchar *resid=NULL)
void file_print_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc, int index)
void showCur (int id, int show)
void moveCur (int id, int dir, int search=0, double ix=0.)
void nextLine (int n)
void drawScans (int flg=0)
void UpdateArea ()
gint NewData (Scan *sc, int line=-1, int cpyscan=TRUE)
void AddScan (Scan *scan, int line=0, gchar *col=NULL)
void AddLine (int line=0, gchar *col=NULL)
void RemoveScans ()
void SetActive (int flg)
void SetYrange (double y1, double y2)
void SetXrange (double x1, double x2)
void SetXlabel (gchar *xlab=NULL)
void SetYlabel (gchar *ylab=NULL)
void SetTitle (gchar *tit)
void SetMode (long flg)
void SetScaling (long flg)
void scan2canvas (double sx, double sy, double &cx, double &cy)
void scan2canvas (double &scx, double &scy)
double scan2canvasX (double sx)
double scan2canvasY (double sy)
void ref ()
void unref ()
 ProfileControl (gchar *titlestring=NULL, int ChNo=-1)
 ProfileControl (gchar *titlestring, int n, UnitObj *ux, UnitObj *uy, double xmin=0., double xmax=1., gchar *resid=NULL)
 ProfileControl (gchar *filename, gchar *resource_id_string)
 ~ProfileControl ()
void Init (gchar *titlestring, int ChNo, gchar *resid=NULL)
void file_print_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc, int index)
void showCur (int id, int show)
void moveCur (int id, int dir, int search=0, double ix=0.)
void nextLine (int n)
void drawScans (int flg=0)
void UpdateArea ()
gint NewData (Scan *sc, int line=-1, int cpyscan=TRUE)
void AddScan (Scan *scan, int line=0, gchar *col=NULL)
void AddLine (int line=0, gchar *col=NULL)
void RemoveScans ()
void SetActive (int flg)
void SetYrange (double y1, double y2)
void SetXrange (double x1, double x2)
void SetXlabel (gchar *xlab=NULL)
void SetYlabel (gchar *ylab=NULL)
void SetTitle (gchar *tit)
void SetMode (long flg)
void SetScaling (long flg)
void scan2canvas (double sx, double sy, double &cx, double &cy)
void scan2canvas (double &scx, double &scy)
double scan2canvasX (double sx)
double scan2canvasY (double sy)
void ref ()
void unref ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void file_open_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_save_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_save_as_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_print1_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_print2_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_print3_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_print4_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_print5_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_print6_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_activate_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_close_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void logy_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void linreg_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void psd_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void tics_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void symbols_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void legend_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void nogrid_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void yhold_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void yexpand_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Yauto_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Yupperup_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Yupperdn_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Ylowerup_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Ylowerdn_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Yzoomin_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Yzoomout_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Yset_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Xauto_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Xset_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_p1_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_p5_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_p10_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_p50_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_p100_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_p500_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_m500_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_m100_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_m50_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_m10_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_m5_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_m1_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_all_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_first_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_last_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Ashow_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Bshow_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Aleft_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Almax_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Almin_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Armax_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Armin_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Aright_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Bleft_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Blmax_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Blmin_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Brmax_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Brmin_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Bright_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static gint cursor_event (GnomeCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, ProfileControl *pc)
static void destroy_item (GnomeCanvasItem *gci, ProfileControl *pc)
static void kill_elem (ProfileElement *pe, ProfileControl *pc)
static void draw_elem (ProfileElement *pe, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_open_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_save_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_save_as_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_print1_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_print2_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_print3_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_print4_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_print5_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_print6_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_activate_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void file_close_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void logy_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void linreg_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void psd_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void tics_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void symbols_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void legend_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void nogrid_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void yhold_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void yexpand_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Yauto_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Yupperup_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Yupperdn_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Ylowerup_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Ylowerdn_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Yzoomin_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Yzoomout_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Yset_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Xauto_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void skl_Xset_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_p1_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_p5_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_p10_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_p50_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_p100_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_p500_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_m500_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_m100_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_m50_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_m10_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_m5_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_next_m1_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_all_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_first_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void sel_last_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Ashow_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Bshow_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Aleft_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Almax_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Almin_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Armax_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Armin_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Aright_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Bleft_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Blmax_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Blmin_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Brmax_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Brmin_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static void cur_Bright_callback (GtkWidget *widget, ProfileControl *pc)
static gint cursor_event (GnomeCanvasItem *item, GdkEvent *event, ProfileControl *pc)
static void destroy_item (GnomeCanvasItem *gci, ProfileControl *pc)
static void kill_elem (ProfileElement *pe, ProfileControl *pc)
static void draw_elem (ProfileElement *pe, ProfileControl *pc)

Private Member Functions

void SetSize ()
void drawFrame ()
gint drawTics ()
void addTic (GnomeCanvasItem **tic, GnomeCanvasItem **lab, double val, double len, int pos, gchar *fmt=NULL, double tval=0.)
void SetSize ()
void drawFrame ()
gint drawTics ()
void addTic (GnomeCanvasItem **tic, GnomeCanvasItem **lab, double val, double len, int pos, gchar *fmt=NULL, double tval=0.)

Private Attributes

int chno
int working
int SklOnly
int statusheight
double border
double pasize
double cxwidth
double cywidth
double aspect
int papixel
double xmin
double xmax
double xrange
double ymin
double ymax
double yrange
double lmaxmin
double lmin
int CursorsIdx [2]
long mode
long scaleing
gchar * xlabel
gchar * xlabel0
gchar * ylabel
gchar * ylabel0
gchar * title
gchar * profile_res_id
double tic_x1
double tic_x2
double tic_y1
double tic_y2
int tic_ym
gchar * xticfmt
gchar * yticfmt
GtkWidget * canvas
GtkWidget * statusbar
GtkWidget * linecounter
gint statusid
int new_data_nl
int new_data_lastl
GSList * ScanList
GnomeCanvasItem * frame
GnomeCanvasItem * background
GnomeCanvasItem * xaxislabel
GnomeCanvasItem * yaxislabel
int Yticn
int Xticn
int ixt
int iyt
int ixl
int iyl
GnomeCanvasItem ** Xtics
GnomeCanvasItem ** Ytics
GnomeCanvasItem ** Xlabels
GnomeCanvasItem ** Ylabels
GnomeCanvasItem * Cursor [2][2]
int scount
int ref_count
gchar * xlabel
gchar * ylabel
gchar * title
gchar * profile_res_id
gchar * xticfmt
gchar * yticfmt
GtkWidget * canvas
GtkWidget * statusbar
GtkWidget * linecounter
GSList * ScanList
GnomeCanvasItem * frame
GnomeCanvasItem ** Xtics
GnomeCanvasItem ** Xlabels
GnomeCanvasItem * Cursor [2][2]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 206 of file app_profile.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ProfileControl::ProfileControl gchar *  titlestring = NULL,
int  ChNo = -1

Definition at line 214 of file app_profile.C.

References Init(), and ref().

ProfileControl::ProfileControl gchar *  titlestring,
int  n,
UnitObj ux,
UnitObj uy,
double  xmin = 0.,
double  xmax = 1.,
gchar *  resid = NULL

Definition at line 219 of file app_profile.C.

References AddScan(), Scan::data, file_close_callback(), Init(), UnitObj::MakeLongLabel(), ref(), LineProfile1D::scan1d, SetXlabel(), SetYlabel(), AppBase::show(), UpdateArea(), AppBase::widget, SCAN_DATA::Xunit, and SCAN_DATA::Zunit.

ProfileControl::ProfileControl gchar *  filename,
gchar *  resource_id_string

Definition at line 239 of file app_profile.C.

References AddScan(), Scan::data, DBG_L3, file_close_callback(), Init(), LineProfile1D::load(), UnitObj::MakeLongLabel(), LineProfile1D::scan1d, SetXlabel(), SetYlabel(), AppBase::show(), UpdateArea(), AppBase::widget, XSM_DEBUG, SCAN_DATA::Xunit, and SCAN_DATA::Zunit.

ProfileControl::~ProfileControl  ) 

Definition at line 570 of file app_profile.C.

References DBG_L2, mode, profile_res_id, XsmRescourceManager::Put(), RemoveScans(), title, xlabel, Xlabels, XSM_DEBUG, xticfmt, Xtics, ylabel, Ylabels, yticfmt, and Ytics.

ProfileControl::ProfileControl gchar *  titlestring = NULL,
int  ChNo = -1

ProfileControl::ProfileControl gchar *  titlestring,
int  n,
UnitObj ux,
UnitObj uy,
double  xmin = 0.,
double  xmax = 1.,
gchar *  resid = NULL

ProfileControl::ProfileControl gchar *  filename,
gchar *  resource_id_string

ProfileControl::~ProfileControl  ) 

Member Function Documentation

void ProfileControl::AddLine int  line = 0,
gchar *  col = NULL

void ProfileControl::AddLine int  line = 0,
gchar *  col = NULL

Definition at line 677 of file app_profile.C.

References last_pe, ScanList, and scount.

Referenced by sel_all_callback().

void ProfileControl::AddScan Scan scan,
int  line = 0,
gchar *  col = NULL

void ProfileControl::AddScan Scan scan,
int  line = 0,
gchar *  col = NULL

Definition at line 661 of file app_profile.C.

References last_pe, ScanList, scount, and XSM_DEBUG.

Referenced by NewData(), and ProfileControl().

void ProfileControl::addTic GnomeCanvasItem **  tic,
GnomeCanvasItem **  lab,
double  val,
double  len,
int  pos,
gchar *  fmt = NULL,
double  tval = 0.

void ProfileControl::addTic GnomeCanvasItem **  tic,
GnomeCanvasItem **  lab,
double  val,
double  len,
int  pos,
gchar *  fmt = NULL,
double  tval = 0.

Definition at line 861 of file app_profile.C.

References canvas, cxwidth, cywidth, DBG_L5, LAB_EMPTY, XSMRESOURCES::ProfileTicFont, scan2canvasX(), scan2canvasY(), TIC_BOTTOM, TIC_EMPTY, TIC_GRID_H, TIC_GRID_V, TIC_LEFT, TIC_RIGHT, TIC_TOP, XSM_DEBUG, and xsmres.

Referenced by drawTics().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Aleft_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Aleft_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1664 of file app_profile.C.

References moveCur().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Almax_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Almax_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1686 of file app_profile.C.

References moveCur().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Almin_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Almin_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1689 of file app_profile.C.

References moveCur().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Aright_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Aright_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1669 of file app_profile.C.

References moveCur().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Armax_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Armax_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1692 of file app_profile.C.

References moveCur().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Armin_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Armin_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1695 of file app_profile.C.

References moveCur().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Ashow_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Ashow_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1648 of file app_profile.C.

References FALSE, showCur(), and TRUE.

static void ProfileControl::cur_Bleft_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Bleft_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1674 of file app_profile.C.

References moveCur().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Blmax_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Blmax_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1699 of file app_profile.C.

References moveCur().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Blmin_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Blmin_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1702 of file app_profile.C.

References moveCur().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Bright_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Bright_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1679 of file app_profile.C.

References moveCur().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Brmax_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Brmax_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1705 of file app_profile.C.

References moveCur().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Brmin_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Brmin_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1708 of file app_profile.C.

References moveCur().

static void ProfileControl::cur_Bshow_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::cur_Bshow_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1656 of file app_profile.C.

References FALSE, showCur(), and TRUE.

static gint ProfileControl::cursor_event GnomeCanvasItem *  item,
GdkEvent *  event,
ProfileControl pc

gint ProfileControl::cursor_event GnomeCanvasItem *  item,
GdkEvent *  event,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 609 of file app_profile.C.

References Cursor, FALSE, moveCur(), and TRUE.

Referenced by showCur().

static void ProfileControl::destroy_item GnomeCanvasItem *  gci,
ProfileControl pc
[inline, static]

Definition at line 293 of file app_profile.h.

static void ProfileControl::destroy_item GnomeCanvasItem *  gci,
ProfileControl pc
[inline, static]

Definition at line 293 of file app_profile.h.

static void ProfileControl::draw_elem ProfileElement pe,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::draw_elem ProfileElement pe,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 701 of file app_profile.C.

References ProfileElement::calc(), canvas, ProfileElement::draw(), MAX, MIN, mode, PROFILE_SCALE_YEXPAND, PROFILE_SCALE_YHOLD, scaleing, SetXrange(), SetYrange(), SklOnly, ProfileElement::xlocmax, ProfileElement::xlocmin, ProfileElement::ylocmax, ProfileElement::ylocmin, ymax, and ymin.

Referenced by drawScans().

void ProfileControl::drawFrame  )  [private]

void ProfileControl::drawFrame  )  [private]

Definition at line 798 of file app_profile.C.

References border, canvas, cxwidth, cywidth, frame, XSMRESOURCES::ProfileLabFont, xaxislabel, xsmres, and yaxislabel.

void ProfileControl::drawScans int  flg = 0  ) 

void ProfileControl::drawScans int  flg = 0  ) 

Definition at line 790 of file app_profile.C.

References draw_elem(), FALSE, ScanList, SklOnly, and TRUE.

Referenced by UpdateArea().

gint ProfileControl::drawTics  )  [private]

gint ProfileControl::drawTics  )  [private]

Definition at line 958 of file app_profile.C.

References addTic(), AutoNext(), AutoSkl(), DBG_L5, ixl, ixt, mode, PC_XLN, PC_XTN, PROFILE_MODE_XGRID, TIC_BOTTOM, TIC_GRID_V, tic_x1, tic_x2, TICLABSEP, Xlabels, xmax, xmin, xrange, XSM_DEBUG, xticfmt, Xticn, and Xtics.

Referenced by UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::file_activate_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::file_activate_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1461 of file app_profile.C.

References Surface::ActivateChannel(), chno, gapp, and App::xsm.

static void ProfileControl::file_close_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::file_close_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1369 of file app_profile.C.

References DBG_L1, DBG_L2, gapp, ref_count, Surface::RemoveProfile(), App::xsm, XSM_DEBUG, and XSM_DEBUG_ERROR.

Referenced by ProfileControl().

static void ProfileControl::file_open_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::file_open_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1326 of file app_profile.C.

References GnomeAppService::file_dialog(), gapp, Surface::load(), and App::xsm.

static void ProfileControl::file_print1_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::file_print1_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1378 of file app_profile.C.

References file_print_callback().

static void ProfileControl::file_print2_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::file_print2_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1382 of file app_profile.C.

References file_print_callback().

static void ProfileControl::file_print3_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::file_print3_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1386 of file app_profile.C.

References file_print_callback().

static void ProfileControl::file_print4_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::file_print4_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1390 of file app_profile.C.

References file_print_callback().

static void ProfileControl::file_print5_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::file_print5_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1395 of file app_profile.C.

References file_print_callback().

static void ProfileControl::file_print6_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::file_print6_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1400 of file app_profile.C.

References file_print_callback().

void ProfileControl::file_print_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc,
int  index

void ProfileControl::file_print_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc,
int  index

Definition at line 1404 of file app_profile.C.

References XSMRESOURCES::gricmd1d, GRIMAX, XSMRESOURCES::griplottitle, LineProfile1D::save(), XSM_SHOW_ALERT, and xsmres.

Referenced by file_print1_callback(), file_print2_callback(), file_print3_callback(), file_print4_callback(), file_print5_callback(), and file_print6_callback().

static void ProfileControl::file_save_as_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::file_save_as_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1352 of file app_profile.C.

References GnomeAppService::check_file(), Scan::data, GnomeAppService::file_dialog(), gapp, N_, Scan_UserInfo::originalname, LineProfile1D::save(), LineProfile1D::scan1d, and SCAN_DATA::ui.

static void ProfileControl::file_save_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::file_save_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1335 of file app_profile.C.

References GnomeAppService::check_file(), Scan::data, GnomeAppService::file_dialog(), gapp, N_, Scan_UserInfo::originalname, LineProfile1D::save(), LineProfile1D::scan1d, and SCAN_DATA::ui.

void ProfileControl::Init gchar *  titlestring,
int  ChNo,
gchar *  resid = NULL

void ProfileControl::Init gchar *  titlestring,
int  ChNo,
gchar *  resid = NULL

Definition at line 276 of file app_profile.C.

References AppBase::AppWidgetInit(), aspect, background, border, chno, App::close_scan_event_cb(), App::configure_drop_on_widget(), Cursor, CursorsIdx, DBG_L2, DBG_L3, frame, gapp, XsmRescourceManager::Get(), last_pe, menuoptionlist::mitem, mode, menuoptionlist::msk, menuoptionlist::neg, new_data_lastl, new_data_nl, papixel, pasize, PC_XLN, PC_XTN, PC_YLN, PC_YTN, PROFILE_MODE_CONNECT, PROFILE_MODE_XGRID, PROFILE_MODE_YGRID, profile_modes, profile_popup_menu, profile_res_id, PROFILE_SCALE_XAUTO, PROFILE_SCALE_YAUTO, PROFILE_SCALE_YHOLD, XsmRescourceManager::Put(), ref_count, scaleing, ScanList, scount, SetMode(), SetScaling(), SetXrange(), SetYrange(), statusheight, tic_x1, tic_x2, tic_y1, tic_y2, tic_ym, title, TRUE, AppBase::vbox, AppBase::widget, working, xaxislabel, xlabel, xlabel0, Xlabels, XSM_DEBUG, xticfmt, Xticn, Xtics, yaxislabel, ylabel, ylabel0, Ylabels, yticfmt, Yticn, and Ytics.

Referenced by ProfileControl().

static void ProfileControl::kill_elem ProfileElement pe,
ProfileControl pc
[inline, static]

Definition at line 294 of file app_profile.h.

static void ProfileControl::kill_elem ProfileElement pe,
ProfileControl pc
[inline, static]

Definition at line 294 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by RemoveScans().

static void ProfileControl::legend_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::legend_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1629 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_MODE_LEGEND, and UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::linreg_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::linreg_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1475 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_MODE_YLINREG, and UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::logy_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::logy_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1466 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, and UpdateArea().

void ProfileControl::moveCur int  id,
int  dir,
int  search = 0,
double  ix = 0.

void ProfileControl::moveCur int  id,
int  dir,
int  search = 0,
double  ix = 0.

Definition at line 1193 of file app_profile.C.

References Cursor, CursorsIdx, cxwidth, cywidth, ProfileElement::GetCurX(), ProfileElement::GetCurXYc(), ProfileElement::GetDeltaInfo(), ProfileElement::GetInfo(), last_pe, ProfileElement::nextMax(), ProfileElement::nextMin(), statusbar, and statusid.

Referenced by cur_Aleft_callback(), cur_Almax_callback(), cur_Almin_callback(), cur_Aright_callback(), cur_Armax_callback(), cur_Armin_callback(), cur_Bleft_callback(), cur_Blmax_callback(), cur_Blmin_callback(), cur_Bright_callback(), cur_Brmax_callback(), cur_Brmin_callback(), cursor_event(), and UpdateArea().

gint ProfileControl::NewData Scan sc,
int  line = -1,
int  cpyscan = TRUE

gint ProfileControl::NewData Scan sc,
int  line = -1,
int  cpyscan = TRUE

Definition at line 721 of file app_profile.C.

References AddScan(), Scan::data, DBG_L2, FALSE, Mem2d::GetNy(), last_pe, UnitObj::MakeLongLabel(), Scan::mem2d, new_data_lastl, new_data_nl, LineProfile1D::scan1d, scount, LineProfile1D::SetData(), SetXlabel(), ProfileElement::SetY(), SetYlabel(), statusbar, statusid, TRUE, UpdateArea(), working, XSM_DEBUG, SCAN_DATA::Xunit, and SCAN_DATA::Zunit.

Referenced by ViewControl::CheckRedLine(), Profiles::draw(), nextLine(), Profiles::update(), VObCircle::Update(), VObKsys::Update(), VObLine::Update(), and VObPoint::Update().

void ProfileControl::nextLine int  n  ) 

void ProfileControl::nextLine int  n  ) 

Definition at line 1240 of file app_profile.C.

References NewData().

Referenced by sel_next_m100_callback(), sel_next_m10_callback(), sel_next_m1_callback(), sel_next_m500_callback(), sel_next_m50_callback(), sel_next_m5_callback(), sel_next_p100_callback(), sel_next_p10_callback(), sel_next_p1_callback(), sel_next_p500_callback(), sel_next_p50_callback(), and sel_next_p5_callback().

static void ProfileControl::nogrid_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::nogrid_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1638 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_MODE_XGRID, PROFILE_MODE_YGRID, and UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::psd_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::psd_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1484 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_MODE_YPSD, SetXlabel(), and UpdateArea().

void ProfileControl::ref  )  [inline]

Definition at line 353 of file app_profile.h.

References ref_count.

void ProfileControl::ref  )  [inline]

Definition at line 353 of file app_profile.h.

References ref_count.

Referenced by ProfileControl().

void ProfileControl::RemoveScans  ) 

void ProfileControl::RemoveScans  ) 

Definition at line 693 of file app_profile.C.

References kill_elem(), ScanList, and scount.

Referenced by sel_all_callback(), and ~ProfileControl().

void ProfileControl::scan2canvas double &  scx,
double &  scy

Definition at line 327 of file app_profile.h.

References cxwidth, cywidth, lmaxmin, lmin, mode, PROFILE_MODE_YLOG, xmin, xrange, ymin, and yrange.

void ProfileControl::scan2canvas double  sx,
double  sy,
double &  cx,
double &  cy

Definition at line 314 of file app_profile.h.

References cxwidth, cywidth, DBG_L2, lmaxmin, lmin, mode, PROFILE_MODE_YLOG, xmin, xrange, XSM_DEBUG, ymin, and yrange.

void ProfileControl::scan2canvas double &  scx,
double &  scy

Definition at line 327 of file app_profile.h.

References cxwidth, cywidth, lmaxmin, lmin, mode, PROFILE_MODE_YLOG, xmin, xrange, ymin, and yrange.

void ProfileControl::scan2canvas double  sx,
double  sy,
double &  cx,
double &  cy

Definition at line 314 of file app_profile.h.

References cxwidth, cywidth, DBG_L2, lmaxmin, lmin, mode, PROFILE_MODE_YLOG, xmin, xrange, XSM_DEBUG, ymin, and yrange.

Referenced by ProfileElement::draw().

double ProfileControl::scan2canvasX double  sx  )  [inline]

Definition at line 339 of file app_profile.h.

References cxwidth, xmin, and xrange.

double ProfileControl::scan2canvasX double  sx  )  [inline]

Definition at line 339 of file app_profile.h.

References cxwidth, xmin, and xrange.

Referenced by addTic().

double ProfileControl::scan2canvasY double  sy  )  [inline]

Definition at line 343 of file app_profile.h.

References cywidth, lmaxmin, lmin, mode, PROFILE_MODE_YLOG, ymin, and yrange.

double ProfileControl::scan2canvasY double  sy  )  [inline]

Definition at line 343 of file app_profile.h.

References cywidth, lmaxmin, lmin, mode, PROFILE_MODE_YLOG, ymin, and yrange.

Referenced by addTic().

static void ProfileControl::sel_all_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_all_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1751 of file app_profile.C.

References AddLine(), ProfileElement::GetNy(), last_pe, RemoveScans(), ProfileElement::SetY(), and UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::sel_first_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_first_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1761 of file app_profile.C.

References last_pe, ProfileElement::SetY(), and UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::sel_last_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_last_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1767 of file app_profile.C.

References last_pe, ProfileElement::SetLastY(), and UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::sel_next_m100_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_next_m100_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1734 of file app_profile.C.

References nextLine().

static void ProfileControl::sel_next_m10_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_next_m10_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1740 of file app_profile.C.

References nextLine().

static void ProfileControl::sel_next_m1_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_next_m1_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1747 of file app_profile.C.

References nextLine().

static void ProfileControl::sel_next_m500_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_next_m500_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1731 of file app_profile.C.

References nextLine().

static void ProfileControl::sel_next_m50_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_next_m50_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1737 of file app_profile.C.

References nextLine().

static void ProfileControl::sel_next_m5_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_next_m5_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1743 of file app_profile.C.

References nextLine().

static void ProfileControl::sel_next_p100_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_next_p100_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1725 of file app_profile.C.

References nextLine().

static void ProfileControl::sel_next_p10_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_next_p10_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1719 of file app_profile.C.

References nextLine().

static void ProfileControl::sel_next_p1_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_next_p1_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1713 of file app_profile.C.

References nextLine().

static void ProfileControl::sel_next_p500_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_next_p500_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1728 of file app_profile.C.

References nextLine().

static void ProfileControl::sel_next_p50_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_next_p50_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1722 of file app_profile.C.

References nextLine().

static void ProfileControl::sel_next_p5_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::sel_next_p5_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1716 of file app_profile.C.

References nextLine().

void ProfileControl::SetActive int  flg  ) 

void ProfileControl::SetActive int  flg  ) 

Definition at line 1306 of file app_profile.C.

References frame, statusbar, and statusid.

Referenced by Profiles::update().

void ProfileControl::SetMode long  flg  )  [inline]

Definition at line 311 of file app_profile.h.

References mode.

void ProfileControl::SetMode long  flg  )  [inline]

Definition at line 311 of file app_profile.h.

References mode.

Referenced by Init().

void ProfileControl::SetScaling long  flg  )  [inline]

Definition at line 312 of file app_profile.h.

References scaleing.

void ProfileControl::SetScaling long  flg  )  [inline]

Definition at line 312 of file app_profile.h.

References scaleing.

Referenced by Init().

void ProfileControl::SetSize  )  [private]

void ProfileControl::SetSize  )  [private]

Definition at line 597 of file app_profile.C.

References aspect, border, canvas, cxwidth, cywidth, papixel, pasize, statusheight, and AppBase::widget.

void ProfileControl::SetTitle gchar *  tit  ) 

void ProfileControl::SetTitle gchar *  tit  ) 

Definition at line 1322 of file app_profile.C.

References AppBase::widget.

Referenced by Profiles::draw().

void ProfileControl::SetXlabel gchar *  xlab = NULL  ) 

void ProfileControl::SetXlabel gchar *  xlab = NULL  ) 

Definition at line 1274 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_MODE_YPSD, xaxislabel, xlabel, and xlabel0.

Referenced by NewData(), ProfileControl(), and psd_callback().

void ProfileControl::SetXrange double  x1,
double  x2

void ProfileControl::SetXrange double  x1,
double  x2

Definition at line 1265 of file app_profile.C.

References xmax, xmin, and xrange.

Referenced by draw_elem(), and Init().

void ProfileControl::SetYlabel gchar *  ylab = NULL  ) 

void ProfileControl::SetYlabel gchar *  ylab = NULL  ) 

Definition at line 1294 of file app_profile.C.

References yaxislabel, and ylabel.

Referenced by NewData(), and ProfileControl().

void ProfileControl::SetYrange double  y1,
double  y2

void ProfileControl::SetYrange double  y1,
double  y2

Definition at line 1244 of file app_profile.C.

References lmaxmin, lmin, LOG_RESCUE_RATIO, ymax, and ymin.

Referenced by draw_elem(), Init(), skl_Ylowerdn_callback(), skl_Ylowerup_callback(), skl_Yset_callback(), skl_Yupperdn_callback(), skl_Yupperup_callback(), skl_Yzoomin_callback(), and skl_Yzoomout_callback().

void ProfileControl::showCur int  id,
int  show

void ProfileControl::showCur int  id,
int  show

Definition at line 1148 of file app_profile.C.

References canvas, Cursor, cursor_event(), CursorsIdx, cxwidth, cywidth, ProfileElement::GetCurXYc(), and last_pe.

Referenced by cur_Ashow_callback(), and cur_Bshow_callback().

static void ProfileControl::skl_Xauto_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::skl_Xauto_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1601 of file app_profile.C.

References UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::skl_Xset_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::skl_Xset_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1606 of file app_profile.C.

References UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::skl_Yauto_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::skl_Yauto_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1513 of file app_profile.C.

References PROFILE_SCALE_YHOLD, scaleing, and UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::skl_Ylowerdn_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::skl_Ylowerdn_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1557 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_SCALE_YHOLD, scaleing, SetYrange(), UpdateArea(), ymax, and ymin.

static void ProfileControl::skl_Ylowerup_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::skl_Ylowerup_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1545 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_SCALE_YHOLD, scaleing, SetYrange(), UpdateArea(), ymax, and ymin.

static void ProfileControl::skl_Yset_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::skl_Yset_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1594 of file app_profile.C.

References PROFILE_SCALE_YHOLD, scaleing, SetYrange(), and UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::skl_Yupperdn_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::skl_Yupperdn_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1533 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_SCALE_YHOLD, scaleing, SetYrange(), UpdateArea(), ymax, and ymin.

static void ProfileControl::skl_Yupperup_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::skl_Yupperup_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1521 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_SCALE_YHOLD, scaleing, SetYrange(), UpdateArea(), ymax, and ymin.

static void ProfileControl::skl_Yzoomin_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::skl_Yzoomin_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1569 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_SCALE_YHOLD, scaleing, SetYrange(), UpdateArea(), ymax, and ymin.

static void ProfileControl::skl_Yzoomout_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::skl_Yzoomout_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1582 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_SCALE_YHOLD, scaleing, SetYrange(), UpdateArea(), ymax, and ymin.

static void ProfileControl::symbols_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::symbols_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1620 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_MODE_SYMBOLS, and UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::tics_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::tics_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1611 of file app_profile.C.

References mode, PROFILE_MODE_NOTICS, and UpdateArea().

void ProfileControl::unref  )  [inline]

Definition at line 354 of file app_profile.h.

References ref_count.

void ProfileControl::unref  )  [inline]

Definition at line 354 of file app_profile.h.

References ref_count.

void ProfileControl::UpdateArea  ) 

void ProfileControl::UpdateArea  ) 

Definition at line 1113 of file app_profile.C.

References DBG_L4, drawScans(), drawTics(), mode, moveCur(), PROFILE_MODE_NOTICS, Xlabels, XSM_DEBUG, Xtics, Ylabels, and Ytics.

Referenced by Profiles::draw(), legend_callback(), linreg_callback(), logy_callback(), NewData(), nogrid_callback(), ProfileControl(), psd_callback(), sel_all_callback(), sel_first_callback(), sel_last_callback(), skl_Xauto_callback(), skl_Xset_callback(), skl_Yauto_callback(), skl_Ylowerdn_callback(), skl_Ylowerup_callback(), skl_Yset_callback(), skl_Yupperdn_callback(), skl_Yupperup_callback(), skl_Yzoomin_callback(), skl_Yzoomout_callback(), symbols_callback(), tics_callback(), yexpand_callback(), and yhold_callback().

static void ProfileControl::yexpand_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::yexpand_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1504 of file app_profile.C.

References PROFILE_SCALE_YEXPAND, scaleing, and UpdateArea().

static void ProfileControl::yhold_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

void ProfileControl::yhold_callback GtkWidget *  widget,
ProfileControl pc

Definition at line 1495 of file app_profile.C.

References PROFILE_SCALE_YHOLD, scaleing, and UpdateArea().

Member Data Documentation

double ProfileControl::aspect [private]

Definition at line 372 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), and SetSize().

GnomeCanvasItem * ProfileControl::background [private]

Definition at line 403 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init().

double ProfileControl::border [private]

Definition at line 369 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawFrame(), Init(), and SetSize().

GtkWidget* ProfileControl::canvas [private]

Definition at line 394 of file app_profile.h.

GtkWidget* ProfileControl::canvas [private]

Definition at line 394 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by addTic(), draw_elem(), drawFrame(), SetSize(), and showCur().

int ProfileControl::chno [private]

Definition at line 364 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by file_activate_callback(), and Init().

GnomeCanvasItem* ProfileControl::Cursor[2][2] [private]

Definition at line 414 of file app_profile.h.

GnomeCanvasItem* ProfileControl::Cursor[2][2] [private]

Definition at line 414 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by cursor_event(), Init(), moveCur(), and showCur().

int ProfileControl::CursorsIdx [private]

Definition at line 379 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), moveCur(), and showCur().

double ProfileControl::cxwidth [private]

Definition at line 371 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by addTic(), drawFrame(), moveCur(), scan2canvas(), scan2canvasX(), SetSize(), and showCur().

double ProfileControl::cywidth [private]

Definition at line 371 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by addTic(), drawFrame(), moveCur(), scan2canvas(), scan2canvasY(), SetSize(), and showCur().

GnomeCanvasItem* ProfileControl::frame [private]

Definition at line 403 of file app_profile.h.

GnomeCanvasItem* ProfileControl::frame [private]

Definition at line 403 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawFrame(), Init(), and SetActive().

int ProfileControl::ixl [private]

Definition at line 410 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawTics().

int ProfileControl::ixt [private]

Definition at line 410 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawTics().

int ProfileControl::iyl [private]

Definition at line 410 of file app_profile.h.

int ProfileControl::iyt [private]

Definition at line 410 of file app_profile.h.

ProfileElement* ProfileControl::last_pe [private]

Definition at line 401 of file app_profile.h.

ProfileElement* ProfileControl::last_pe [private]

Definition at line 401 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by AddLine(), AddScan(), Init(), moveCur(), NewData(), sel_all_callback(), sel_first_callback(), sel_last_callback(), and showCur().

GtkWidget* ProfileControl::linecounter [private]

Definition at line 396 of file app_profile.h.

GtkWidget* ProfileControl::linecounter [private]

Definition at line 396 of file app_profile.h.

double ProfileControl::lmaxmin [private]

Definition at line 377 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by scan2canvas(), scan2canvasY(), and SetYrange().

double ProfileControl::lmin [private]

Definition at line 377 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by scan2canvas(), scan2canvasY(), and SetYrange().

long ProfileControl::mode [private]

Definition at line 381 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by draw_elem(), drawTics(), Init(), legend_callback(), linreg_callback(), logy_callback(), nogrid_callback(), psd_callback(), scan2canvas(), scan2canvasY(), SetMode(), SetXlabel(), skl_Ylowerdn_callback(), skl_Ylowerup_callback(), skl_Yupperdn_callback(), skl_Yupperup_callback(), skl_Yzoomin_callback(), skl_Yzoomout_callback(), symbols_callback(), tics_callback(), UpdateArea(), and ~ProfileControl().

int ProfileControl::new_data_lastl [private]

Definition at line 398 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), and NewData().

int ProfileControl::new_data_nl [private]

Definition at line 398 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), and NewData().

int ProfileControl::papixel [private]

Definition at line 373 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), and SetSize().

double ProfileControl::pasize [private]

Definition at line 370 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), and SetSize().

gchar* ProfileControl::profile_res_id [private]

Definition at line 387 of file app_profile.h.

gchar* ProfileControl::profile_res_id [private]

Definition at line 387 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), and ~ProfileControl().

int ProfileControl::ref_count [private]

Definition at line 417 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by file_close_callback(), Init(), ref(), and unref().

long ProfileControl::scaleing [private]

Definition at line 381 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by draw_elem(), Init(), SetScaling(), skl_Yauto_callback(), skl_Ylowerdn_callback(), skl_Ylowerup_callback(), skl_Yset_callback(), skl_Yupperdn_callback(), skl_Yupperup_callback(), skl_Yzoomin_callback(), skl_Yzoomout_callback(), yexpand_callback(), and yhold_callback().

GSList* ProfileControl::ScanList [private]

Reimplemented from LineProfile1D.

Definition at line 400 of file app_profile.h.

GSList* ProfileControl::ScanList [private]

Reimplemented from LineProfile1D.

Definition at line 400 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by AddLine(), AddScan(), drawScans(), Init(), and RemoveScans().

int ProfileControl::scount [private]

Definition at line 415 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by AddLine(), AddScan(), Init(), NewData(), and RemoveScans().

int ProfileControl::SklOnly [private]

Definition at line 366 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by draw_elem(), and drawScans().

GtkWidget* ProfileControl::statusbar [private]

Definition at line 395 of file app_profile.h.

GtkWidget* ProfileControl::statusbar [private]

Definition at line 395 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by moveCur(), NewData(), and SetActive().

int ProfileControl::statusheight [private]

Definition at line 368 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), and SetSize().

gint ProfileControl::statusid [private]

Definition at line 397 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by moveCur(), NewData(), and SetActive().

double ProfileControl::tic_x1 [private]

Definition at line 389 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawTics(), and Init().

double ProfileControl::tic_x2 [private]

Definition at line 389 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawTics(), and Init().

double ProfileControl::tic_y1 [private]

Definition at line 389 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init().

double ProfileControl::tic_y2 [private]

Definition at line 389 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init().

int ProfileControl::tic_ym [private]

Definition at line 390 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init().

gchar* ProfileControl::title [private]

Definition at line 385 of file app_profile.h.

gchar* ProfileControl::title [private]

Definition at line 385 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), and ~ProfileControl().

int ProfileControl::working [private]

Definition at line 365 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), and NewData().

GnomeCanvasItem * ProfileControl::xaxislabel [private]

Definition at line 403 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawFrame(), Init(), and SetXlabel().

gchar* ProfileControl::xlabel [private]

Definition at line 383 of file app_profile.h.

gchar* ProfileControl::xlabel [private]

Definition at line 383 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), SetXlabel(), and ~ProfileControl().

gchar * ProfileControl::xlabel0 [private]

Definition at line 383 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), and SetXlabel().

GnomeCanvasItem** ProfileControl::Xlabels [private]

Definition at line 412 of file app_profile.h.

GnomeCanvasItem** ProfileControl::Xlabels [private]

Definition at line 412 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawTics(), Init(), UpdateArea(), and ~ProfileControl().

double ProfileControl::xmax [private]

Definition at line 375 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawTics(), and SetXrange().

double ProfileControl::xmin [private]

Definition at line 375 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawTics(), scan2canvas(), scan2canvasX(), and SetXrange().

double ProfileControl::xrange [private]

Definition at line 375 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawTics(), scan2canvas(), scan2canvasX(), and SetXrange().

gchar* ProfileControl::xticfmt [private]

Definition at line 391 of file app_profile.h.

gchar* ProfileControl::xticfmt [private]

Definition at line 391 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawTics(), Init(), and ~ProfileControl().

int ProfileControl::Xticn [private]

Definition at line 409 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawTics(), and Init().

GnomeCanvasItem** ProfileControl::Xtics [private]

Definition at line 411 of file app_profile.h.

GnomeCanvasItem** ProfileControl::Xtics [private]

Definition at line 411 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawTics(), Init(), UpdateArea(), and ~ProfileControl().

GnomeCanvasItem * ProfileControl::yaxislabel [private]

Definition at line 403 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by drawFrame(), Init(), and SetYlabel().

gchar* ProfileControl::ylabel [private]

Definition at line 384 of file app_profile.h.

gchar* ProfileControl::ylabel [private]

Definition at line 384 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), SetYlabel(), and ~ProfileControl().

gchar * ProfileControl::ylabel0 [private]

Definition at line 384 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init().

GnomeCanvasItem ** ProfileControl::Ylabels [private]

Definition at line 412 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), UpdateArea(), and ~ProfileControl().

double ProfileControl::ymax [private]

Definition at line 376 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by draw_elem(), SetYrange(), skl_Ylowerdn_callback(), skl_Ylowerup_callback(), skl_Yupperdn_callback(), skl_Yupperup_callback(), skl_Yzoomin_callback(), and skl_Yzoomout_callback().

double ProfileControl::ymin [private]

Definition at line 376 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by draw_elem(), scan2canvas(), scan2canvasY(), SetYrange(), skl_Ylowerdn_callback(), skl_Ylowerup_callback(), skl_Yupperdn_callback(), skl_Yupperup_callback(), skl_Yzoomin_callback(), and skl_Yzoomout_callback().

double ProfileControl::yrange [private]

Definition at line 376 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by scan2canvas(), and scan2canvasY().

gchar* ProfileControl::yticfmt [private]

Definition at line 392 of file app_profile.h.

gchar* ProfileControl::yticfmt [private]

Definition at line 392 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), and ~ProfileControl().

int ProfileControl::Yticn [private]

Definition at line 409 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init().

GnomeCanvasItem ** ProfileControl::Ytics [private]

Definition at line 411 of file app_profile.h.

Referenced by Init(), UpdateArea(), and ~ProfileControl().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Apr 1 09:06:03 2006 for GXSM by  doxygen 1.4.6