XSMRESOURCES Struct Reference

#include <xsmtypes.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

gchar * HardwareTypeCmd
gchar HardwareType [32]
gchar InstrumentType [32]
gchar InstrumentName [32]
gchar SPort [8]
gchar SMmap [10]
gchar DataPath [PATHSIZE]
gchar ProgHome [PATHSIZE]
gchar UserPluginPath [PATHSIZE]
gchar GxsmPalettePath [PATHSIZE]
gchar UserPalettePath [PATHSIZE]
gchar * PalPathList [MAXPALANZ]
gchar LogFilePath [PATHSIZE]
float DigRangeIn
float AnalogVMaxIn
float DigRangeOut
float AnalogVMaxOut
int VXdefault
int VYdefault
int VZdefault
int VX0default
int VY0default
int VZ0default
int AnalogOffsetAdding
float XPiezoAV
float YPiezoAV
float ZPiezoAV
gint ScanOrgCenter
float XCalibVA
float YCalibVA
float Sensitivity
float EnergyCalibVeV
float ThetaChGunInt
float ThetaChGunExt
float SampleLayerDist
float SampleUnitLen
float BiasGain
float nAmpere2Volt
float nNewton2Volt
float dHertz2Volt
int HiLoDelta
float ProfileLogLimit
gchar pidsrcZunit [PIDCHMAX][8]
gchar pidsrcZlabel [PIDCHMAX][CHLABELLEN]
int pidchno [PIDCHMAX]
int piddefault
int daqchno [DAQCHMAX]
gchar daqZunit [DAQCHMAX][8]
gchar daqZlabel [DAQCHMAX][CHLABELLEN]
int daqdefault
gchar * UnitCmd
gchar Unit [8]
gchar FileNameConvention [12]
gchar SliderControlType [12]
gchar SPALEEDCrtl [12]
gchar RemoteFifo [PATHSIZE]
gchar RemoteFifoOut [PATHSIZE]
gchar Palette [PATHSIZE]
gchar griplottitle [STRSIZE]
gchar gricmd1d [GRIMAX][PATHSIZE]
gchar gricmd2d [GRIMAX][PATHSIZE]
gchar XSM_Version [STRSIZE]
gchar ProfileTicFont [STRSIZE]
gchar ProfileLabFont [STRSIZE]
gchar AutosaveUnit [12]
gchar AutosaveOverwritemode [8]
gint LineProfileOrgMode
gint geomsave
gint datnullok
gint menutooltips
gint antialiascanvas
gint disableplugins
gint force_config
gint AutosaveValue
gint gui_layerfields
float HandleActBgColor [4]
float HandleInActBgColor [4]
gchar HandleType [32]
gint HandleLineWidth
gint ObjectLineWidth
gchar ObjectLabFont [STRSIZE]
float ObjectLabColor [4]
gint LoadDelay
gchar * HardwareTypeCmd
gchar * PalPathList [MAXPALANZ]
gchar * UnitCmd

Detailed Description

Definition at line 91 of file xsmtypes.h.

Member Data Documentation

int XSMRESOURCES::AnalogOffsetAdding

Definition at line 111 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by XSM_Instrument::XSM_Instrument().

float XSMRESOURCES::AnalogVMaxIn

Definition at line 106 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by XSM_Instrument::XSM_Instrument().

float XSMRESOURCES::AnalogVMaxOut

Definition at line 107 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by PanView::update_expanded_scan_limits(), and XSM_Instrument::XSM_Instrument().

gint XSMRESOURCES::antialiascanvas

Definition at line 159 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by ViewControl::ViewControl(), and VObRectangle::VObRectangle().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::AutosaveOverwritemode

Definition at line 154 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPM_ScanControl::autosave_check(), and rhk_ScanControl::autosave_check().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::AutosaveUnit

Definition at line 153 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPM_ScanControl::autosave_check(), and rhk_ScanControl::autosave_check().

gint XSMRESOURCES::AutosaveValue

Definition at line 162 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPM_ScanControl::autosave_check(), rhk_ScanControl::autosave_check(), SPM_ScanControl::do_scan(), and rhk_ScanControl::do_scan().

float XSMRESOURCES::BiasGain

Definition at line 121 of file xsmtypes.h.

int XSMRESOURCES::daqchno

Definition at line 134 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPM_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists(), rhk_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists(), and Surface::save().

int XSMRESOURCES::daqdefault

Definition at line 137 of file xsmtypes.h.

gchar XSMRESOURCES::daqsrc

Definition at line 133 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPM_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists(), and rhk_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::daqZlabel

Definition at line 136 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by DSPControl::DSPControl(), SPM_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists(), and rhk_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::daqZunit

Definition at line 135 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by DSPControl::DSPControl(), SPM_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists(), rhk_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists(), and DSPControl::save_values().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::DataPath

Definition at line 99 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by Surface::load(), and Surface::save().

gint XSMRESOURCES::datnullok

Definition at line 157 of file xsmtypes.h.

float XSMRESOURCES::dHertz2Volt

Definition at line 124 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by DSPControl::DSPControl().

float XSMRESOURCES::DigRangeIn

Definition at line 106 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by XSM_Instrument::XSM_Instrument().

float XSMRESOURCES::DigRangeOut

Definition at line 107 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by XSM_Instrument::XSM_Instrument().

gint XSMRESOURCES::disableplugins

Definition at line 160 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by App::build_gxsm().


Definition at line 94 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by gxsm_TC211_CCD::gxsm_TC211_CCD(), innovative_dsp_hwi_dev::innovative_dsp_hwi_dev(), LAN_rhk_hwi_dev::LAN_rhk_hwi_dev(), nano_manipulatorControl::nano_manipulatorControl(), and sranger_hwi_dev::sranger_hwi_dev().

float XSMRESOURCES::EnergyCalibVeV

Definition at line 116 of file xsmtypes.h.

gchar XSMRESOURCES::FileNameConvention

Definition at line 141 of file xsmtypes.h.

gint XSMRESOURCES::force_config

Definition at line 161 of file xsmtypes.h.

gint XSMRESOURCES::geomsave

Definition at line 156 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by App::build_gxsm(), CCDControl_query(), DriftComp_query(), DSPControl_query(), DSPMover_query(), DSPPeakFind_query(), DSPProbe_query(), nano_manipulator_query(), NanoPlott_query(), rhk_scancontrol_query(), SpaLeedControl_query(), spm_scancontrol_query(), and sranger_hwi_query().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::gricmd1d

Definition at line 148 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by ProfileControl::file_print_callback().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::gricmd2d

Definition at line 149 of file xsmtypes.h.

gchar XSMRESOURCES::griplottitle

Definition at line 147 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by ProfileControl::file_print_callback().

gint XSMRESOURCES::gui_layerfields

Definition at line 163 of file xsmtypes.h.

gchar XSMRESOURCES::GxsmPalettePath

Definition at line 102 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by gxsm_search_for_palette().

float XSMRESOURCES::HandleActBgColor

Definition at line 164 of file xsmtypes.h.

float XSMRESOURCES::HandleInActBgColor

Definition at line 165 of file xsmtypes.h.

gint XSMRESOURCES::HandleLineWidth

Definition at line 167 of file xsmtypes.h.

gchar XSMRESOURCES::HandleType

Definition at line 166 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by VObject::node_marker().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::HardwareType

Definition at line 93 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by App::Gxsm_Plugin_Check(), and Xsm::HwI_Plugin_Load().

gchar* XSMRESOURCES::HardwareTypeCmd

Definition at line 92 of file xsmtypes.h.

gchar* XSMRESOURCES::HardwareTypeCmd

Definition at line 92 of file xsmtypes.h.


Definition at line 125 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by Surface::AutoDisplay(), and Surface::SetVM().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::InstrumentName

Definition at line 96 of file xsmtypes.h.

gchar XSMRESOURCES::InstrumentType

Definition at line 95 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by App::Gxsm_Plugin_Check(), and Surface::NewScan().

gint XSMRESOURCES::LineProfileOrgMode

Definition at line 155 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by LineProfile1D::SetData().

gint XSMRESOURCES::LoadDelay

Definition at line 171 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by Surface::load().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::LogFilePath

Definition at line 105 of file xsmtypes.h.

gint XSMRESOURCES::menutooltips

Definition at line 158 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by App::build_gxsm().

float XSMRESOURCES::nAmpere2Volt

Definition at line 122 of file xsmtypes.h.

float XSMRESOURCES::nNewton2Volt

Definition at line 123 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by DSPControl::DSPControl().

float XSMRESOURCES::ObjectLabColor

Definition at line 170 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by VObject::show_label().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::ObjectLabFont

Definition at line 169 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by VObject::show_label().

gint XSMRESOURCES::ObjectLineWidth

Definition at line 168 of file xsmtypes.h.

gchar XSMRESOURCES::Palette

Definition at line 146 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by Grey2D::draw(), and PrimitiveImExportFile::Write().


Definition at line 104 of file xsmtypes.h.


Definition at line 104 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by gxsm_init_dynamic_res(), and gxsm_search_for_palette().

int XSMRESOURCES::pidchno

Definition at line 131 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPM_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists(), rhk_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists(), and Surface::save().

int XSMRESOURCES::piddefault

Definition at line 132 of file xsmtypes.h.

gchar XSMRESOURCES::pidsrc

Definition at line 128 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPM_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists(), and rhk_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::pidsrcZlabel

Definition at line 130 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPM_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists(), and rhk_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::pidsrcZunit

Definition at line 129 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPM_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists(), and rhk_ScanControl::initialize_scan_lists().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::ProfileLabFont

Definition at line 152 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by ProfileControl::drawFrame().

float XSMRESOURCES::ProfileLogLimit

Definition at line 127 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by ProfileElement::calc().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::ProfileTicFont

Definition at line 151 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by ProfileControl::addTic().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::ProgHome

Definition at line 100 of file xsmtypes.h.

gchar XSMRESOURCES::RemoteFifo

Definition at line 144 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by RemoteControl::play().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::RemoteFifoOut

Definition at line 145 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by RemoteControl::play().

float XSMRESOURCES::SampleLayerDist

Definition at line 119 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPALEED_Instrument::SPALEED_Instrument().

float XSMRESOURCES::SampleUnitLen

Definition at line 120 of file xsmtypes.h.

gint XSMRESOURCES::ScanOrgCenter

Definition at line 113 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPM_ScanControl::prepare_to_start_scan(), PanView::refresh(), and SCAN_DATA::SCAN_DATA().

float XSMRESOURCES::Sensitivity

Definition at line 115 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPALEED_Instrument::SPALEED_Instrument().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::SliderControlType

Definition at line 142 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by DSPMoverControl::create_folder().


Definition at line 98 of file xsmtypes.h.


Definition at line 143 of file xsmtypes.h.


Definition at line 97 of file xsmtypes.h.

float XSMRESOURCES::ThetaChGunExt

Definition at line 118 of file xsmtypes.h.

float XSMRESOURCES::ThetaChGunInt

Definition at line 117 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPALEED_Instrument::SPALEED_Instrument().


Definition at line 140 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by Xsm::Xsm().

gchar* XSMRESOURCES::UnitCmd

Definition at line 139 of file xsmtypes.h.

gchar* XSMRESOURCES::UnitCmd

Definition at line 139 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by Xsm::Xsm().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::UserPalettePath

Definition at line 103 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by gxsm_search_for_palette().

gchar XSMRESOURCES::UserPluginPath

Definition at line 101 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by App::reload_gxsm_plugins().


Definition at line 108 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by XSM_Instrument::XSM_Instrument().

int XSMRESOURCES::VX0default

Definition at line 110 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by XSM_Instrument::XSM_Instrument().


Definition at line 109 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by XSM_Instrument::XSM_Instrument().

int XSMRESOURCES::VY0default

Definition at line 110 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by XSM_Instrument::XSM_Instrument().


Definition at line 109 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by XSM_Instrument::XSM_Instrument().

int XSMRESOURCES::VZ0default

Definition at line 110 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by XSM_Instrument::XSM_Instrument().


Definition at line 109 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by XSM_Instrument::XSM_Instrument().


Definition at line 114 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPALEED_Instrument::SPALEED_Instrument().


Definition at line 112 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by PanView::refresh().


Definition at line 150 of file xsmtypes.h.


Definition at line 114 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by SPALEED_Instrument::SPALEED_Instrument().


Definition at line 112 of file xsmtypes.h.

Referenced by PanView::refresh().


Definition at line 112 of file xsmtypes.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Apr 1 09:06:50 2006 for GXSM by  doxygen 1.4.6