SCANP Struct Reference

List of all members.

Public Attributes

float ms
float X0
float Y0
float len
int N
int Nx
int Ny
float lenxy
float alpha
float alphaAlt
float E
double rotmxx
double rotmyy
double rotmxy
double rotmyx
double rotoffx
double rotoffy
int MV_Xnew
int MV_Ynew
int MV_XPos
int MV_YPos
int MV_stepsize
unsigned int MV_nRegel
int LS_nx2scan
int LS_nx_pre
int LS_srcs
int LS_dnx
int LS_stepsize
unsigned int LS_nRegel
int LS_nAve
int LS_IntAve
int LS_LastVal
long LS_xE
long LS_xnext
int LS_AveCount
int LS_SmpFlg
int LS_Xindex
int LS_Xinc
int LS_ChPID
int PRB_nx
int PRB_xS
int PRB_xE
double PRB_ACAmp
double PRB_ACFrq
double PRB_ACPhase
double PRB_GapAdj
int PRB_ACdelay
int PRB_CIval
int PRB_AveCount
int PRB_srcs
int PRB_outp
int PRB_nAve
int PRB_ChAnz
int PRB_ChAkt
int PRB_Xindex
int PRB_XPos
int PRB_delay
int PRB_dnx
int PRB_CPIS [3]
int PRB_oldU
int PRB_oldZ
int TIP_nWarte
int TIP_nSteps
int TIP_DUzRev
int TIP_DUz
int TIP_Zdn
int TIP_Mode
int afm_piezo_amp
int afm_u_piezomax
int afm_piezo_speed
int afm_piezo_steps
int afm_mover_mode
int afm_mover_app
int AFM_MV_count
int AFM_MV_Scount
int U_tunnel
long I_tunnel_soll
float Spg
float I_ist_alt
float I_ist
float I_soll
float I_delta
float U_z
float Const_P
float Const_I
float Const_S
float SetPoint
float I_sum
int LogOffset
float LogFaktor
float LogSkl
float LogSklNeu
unsigned long * databuffer [MAXDATABUFFERS]
unsigned long * channelptr [MAXCHANNELS]
int LS_ChAnz
int LS_ChAkt
float * ChPtr [MAXCHANNELS]
float adc_values [MAXCHANNELS]
long dacbufferZ
long dacbufferU
long dacXval
long dacYval
long dacUval
long dacZval

Detailed Description

Definition at line 166 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Member Data Documentation

float SCANP::adc_values[MAXCHANNELS]

Definition at line 229 of file spm_emu.c.

int SCANP::afm_mover_app

Definition at line 201 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::afm_mover_mode

Definition at line 200 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::AFM_MV_count

Definition at line 202 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::AFM_MV_Scount

Definition at line 203 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::afm_piezo_amp

Definition at line 196 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::afm_piezo_speed

Definition at line 198 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::afm_piezo_steps

Definition at line 199 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::afm_u_piezomax

Definition at line 197 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::alpha

Definition at line 173 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by InitEmu(), and ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::alphaAlt

Definition at line 173 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by InitEmu(), and ServiceRequest().

unsigned long* SCANP::channelptr[MAXCHANNELS]

Definition at line 224 of file spm_emu.c.


Definition at line 227 of file spm_emu.c.

float SCANP::Const_I

Definition at line 213 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::Const_P

Definition at line 212 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::Const_S

Definition at line 214 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

long SCANP::dacbufferU

Definition at line 231 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

long SCANP::dacbufferZ

Definition at line 230 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

long SCANP::dacUval

Definition at line 233 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by DACoutU().

long SCANP::dacXval

Definition at line 233 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by DACoutX(), DACoutXY(), run_testprbscan(), and run_testscan().

long SCANP::dacYval

Definition at line 233 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by DACoutXY(), DACoutY(), run_testprbscan(), and run_testscan().

long SCANP::dacZval

Definition at line 233 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by DACoutZ().

unsigned long* SCANP::databuffer[MAXDATABUFFERS]

Definition at line 223 of file spm_emu.c.

float SCANP::E

Definition at line 174 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by InitEmu(), linescan(), scan2d(), and ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::I_delta

Definition at line 210 of file spm_emu.c.

float SCANP::I_ist

Definition at line 210 of file spm_emu.c.

float SCANP::I_ist_alt

Definition at line 210 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::I_soll

Definition at line 210 of file spm_emu.c.

float SCANP::I_sum

Definition at line 216 of file spm_emu.c.

long SCANP::I_tunnel_soll

Definition at line 207 of file spm_emu.c.

float SCANP::len

Definition at line 169 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by InitEmu(), linescan(), and ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::lenxy

Definition at line 172 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by InitEmu(), scan2d(), and ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::LogFaktor

Definition at line 219 of file spm_emu.c.

int SCANP::LogOffset

Definition at line 218 of file spm_emu.c.

float SCANP::LogSkl

Definition at line 220 of file spm_emu.c.

float SCANP::LogSklNeu

Definition at line 221 of file spm_emu.c.

int SCANP::LS_AveCount

Definition at line 161 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::LS_ChAkt

Definition at line 225 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::LS_ChAnz

Definition at line 225 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by run_testprbscan(), run_testscan(), and ServiceRequest().


Definition at line 164 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().


Definition at line 226 of file spm_emu.c.

int SCANP::LS_dnx

Definition at line 154 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by run_testscan(), and ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::LS_IntAve

Definition at line 158 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::LS_LastVal

Definition at line 159 of file spm_emu.c.

int SCANP::LS_nAve

Definition at line 157 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

unsigned int SCANP::LS_nRegel

Definition at line 156 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::LS_nx2scan

Definition at line 151 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by run_testscan(), and ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::LS_nx_pre

Definition at line 152 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::LS_SmpFlg

Definition at line 162 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::LS_srcs

Definition at line 153 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::LS_stepsize

Definition at line 155 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

long SCANP::LS_xE

Definition at line 160 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::LS_Xinc

Definition at line 163 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::LS_Xindex

Definition at line 163 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

long SCANP::LS_xnext

Definition at line 160 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::ms

Definition at line 167 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by bb_test_counting(), ChanneltronCounts(), InitEmu(), linescan(), scan2d(), and ServiceRequest().

unsigned int SCANP::MV_nRegel

Definition at line 150 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::MV_stepsize

Definition at line 149 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::MV_Xnew

Definition at line 145 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::MV_XPos

Definition at line 147 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by calc_xy(), InitEmu(), run_testscan(), and ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::MV_Ynew

Definition at line 146 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::MV_YPos

Definition at line 148 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by calc_xy(), InitEmu(), and ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::N

Definition at line 170 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by InitEmu(), linescan(), and ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::Nx

Definition at line 171 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by InitEmu(), scan2d(), and ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::Ny

Definition at line 171 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by InitEmu(), scan2d(), and ServiceRequest().

double SCANP::PRB_ACAmp

Definition at line 169 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_ACdelay

Definition at line 173 of file spm_emu.c.

double SCANP::PRB_ACFrq

Definition at line 170 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

double SCANP::PRB_ACPhase

Definition at line 171 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_AveCount

Definition at line 175 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_ChAkt

Definition at line 180 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_ChAnz

Definition at line 179 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().


Definition at line 188 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_CIval

Definition at line 174 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().


Definition at line 185 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_delay

Definition at line 183 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_dnx

Definition at line 184 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

double SCANP::PRB_GapAdj

Definition at line 172 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_nAve

Definition at line 178 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_nx

Definition at line 166 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by run_testprbscan(), and ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_oldU

Definition at line 186 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_oldZ

Definition at line 187 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_outp

Definition at line 177 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_srcs

Definition at line 176 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().


Definition at line 168 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by run_testprbscan(), and ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::PRB_Xindex

Definition at line 181 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().


Definition at line 182 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().


Definition at line 167 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by run_testprbscan(), and ServiceRequest().

double SCANP::rotmxx

Definition at line 175 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by BB_SetVolt(), calc_xy(), InitEmu(), and ServiceRequest().

double SCANP::rotmxy

Definition at line 175 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by BB_SetVolt(), calc_xy(), InitEmu(), and ServiceRequest().

double SCANP::rotmyx

Definition at line 175 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by BB_SetVolt(), calc_xy(), InitEmu(), and ServiceRequest().

double SCANP::rotmyy

Definition at line 175 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by BB_SetVolt(), calc_xy(), InitEmu(), and ServiceRequest().

double SCANP::rotoffx

Definition at line 175 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by BB_SetVolt(), calc_xy(), InitEmu(), and ServiceRequest().

double SCANP::rotoffy

Definition at line 175 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by BB_SetVolt(), calc_xy(), InitEmu(), and ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::SetPoint

Definition at line 215 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::Spg

Definition at line 209 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().


Definition at line 193 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().


Definition at line 192 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::TIP_Mode

Definition at line 195 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::TIP_nSteps

Definition at line 191 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::TIP_nWarte

Definition at line 190 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::TIP_Zdn

Definition at line 194 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

int SCANP::U_tunnel

Definition at line 206 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by run_testscan(), and ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::U_z

Definition at line 211 of file spm_emu.c.

Referenced by ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::X0

Definition at line 168 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by InitEmu(), and ServiceRequest().

float SCANP::Y0

Definition at line 168 of file spaleed_bb.c.

Referenced by InitEmu(), and ServiceRequest().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following files:
Generated on Sat Apr 1 09:06:16 2006 for GXSM by  doxygen 1.4.6