
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include <stdio.h>
00002 #define BUFLEN 4096
00003 #define formatstrlen 64
00005 char searchstr1[] = "Yes";
00006 char searchstr2[] = "S[1]";
00007 char searchstr3[] = "S[2]";
00008 char searchstr4[] = "# Probe Data Number      :: N=";
00009 char searchstr5[] = "#C Index";
00010 char seps1[] = "# ,\t\n";
00011 char seps23[] = " \n";
00012 char seps4[] = "x \"\n";
00014 //how many found
00015 int hmf(char *buff , char *srchstr, char *seps)
00016 {
00017 char *token;
00018 int ret;
00019 ret = 0;
00020 token = strtok( buff, seps );
00021    while( token != NULL )
00022    {
00023       /* While there are tokens in "string" */
00024       //printf( " %s\n", token );
00025       if (!strcmp( token, srchstr )) ret++;
00026       /* Get next token: */
00027       token = strtok( NULL, seps );
00028    }
00029 return ret;
00030 }
00032 // where is first found
00033 int wiff(char *buff , char *srchstr)
00034 {
00035 char *pdest;
00036 int ret;
00037 if ( (pdest = strstr( buff, srchstr )) == NULL )  {
00038 // Not found!  
00039 return 0;     
00040 }
00041 else {
00042 ret = (int)( pdest - buff );
00043 // found @ ret
00044 return ret;
00045 }
00046 }
00048 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
00049 {
00050       FILE   *fptr, *fptr2;
00051       char    *buffer, *buf, *formatstr;
00052       float   *val, *bias, readout[21];
00053       int     result = 0, filesize = 0, i = 0, j = 0, numofcol = 0, numcol = 0, numofpasup = 0, numofpasdn = 0, numofpnt = 0, numofpas = 0, headerbeginat = 0, headerlength = 0, index =0, pointspropass = 0;
00054       char filetoread[255], filetowrite[255];
00055       int xcol=0, ycol=0;
00057       switch ( argc )
00058 {
00059 case (5):
00060      printf("We have found %d commandline parameters: ", argc-1);
00061      for (i=1; i<argc; i++)
00062      {
00063         printf("%s ", argv[i]); 
00065          }
00066      printf("\n");
00067      if ((sscanf(argv[1], "%s", &filetoread)!=1) | (sscanf(argv[2], "%s", &filetowrite)!=1) | (sscanf(argv[3], "%d", &xcol)!=1) | (sscanf(argv[4], "%d", &ycol)!=1)) 
00068      {
00069      printf("Cannot parse commandline!\n");
00070      printf("Syntax: converter filetoread filetowrite xcol ycol\n");
00071      //getch();
00072      exit(-1);
00073      }
00074      break;
00075 default:
00076         printf("\nSyntax: converter filetoread filetowrite xcol ycol\n");
00077         //getch();
00078         exit(-1);
00079 }
00081       if ( ( fptr = fopen( filetoread, "r" ))== NULL ) {
00082       printf( "fopen(): File not found!\n" );
00083       //getch();
00084       exit(-1);
00085       }
00087       if ( ( fptr2 = fopen( filetowrite, "w+" )) == NULL ) {
00088       printf( "fopen(): File cannot be created!\n" );
00089       //getch();
00090       exit(-1);
00091       }
00093       buffer = malloc(BUFLEN);
00094       if( buffer == NULL ) {
00095       printf( "malloc(): Memory allocation failed!\n" );
00096       //getch();
00097       exit(-1);
00098       }
00099       filesize=0;
00100       while ( !feof(fptr) ) filesize += fread( buffer, sizeof( char ), BUFLEN, fptr );
00101       printf( "Filesize: %d\n", filesize );
00104       buf = malloc( filesize );
00105       if( buf == NULL ) {
00106       printf( "malloc(): Memory allocation failed!\n" );
00107       //getch();
00108       exit(-1);
00109       }
00111 // "Yes" 
00112       if ( fseek( fptr, 0L, SEEK_SET ) ) {
00113       printf( "fseek(): File seek failed!\n" );
00114       //getch();
00115       exit(-1);
00116       }
00117       result = fread( buf, sizeof( char ), filesize, fptr );
00118       numofcol = hmf(buf, searchstr1, seps1);
00119       //Nothing is found!
00120       if (numofcol == 0) 
00121       {
00122           numofcol=1;
00123           printf("\"%s\": %d -> %d column, nothing to do...\n", searchstr1, 0, numofcol);         
00124           //getch();
00125           exit(-1);         
00126                    }
00127       else
00128       {
00129       printf("\"%s\": %d -> %d column(s)\n", searchstr1, numofcol, numofcol+2);
00130       numofcol+= 2;
00131       }
00133 // "S[1]"      
00134       if ( fseek( fptr, 0L, SEEK_SET ) ) {
00135       printf( "fseek(): File seek failed!\n" );
00136       //getch();
00137       exit(-1);
00138       }
00139       result = fread( buf, sizeof( char ), filesize, fptr );   
00140       numofpasup=hmf(buf, searchstr2, seps23);
00141       printf("\"%s\": %d -> %d pass(es) up\n", searchstr2, numofpasup, numofpasup);
00143 // "S[2]"      
00144       if ( fseek( fptr, 0L, SEEK_SET ) ) {
00145       printf( "fseek(): File seek failed!\n" );
00146       //getch();
00147       exit(-1);
00148       }
00149       result = fread( buf, sizeof( char ), filesize, fptr );
00150       numofpasdn=hmf(buf, searchstr3, seps23);
00151       printf("\"%s\": %d -> %d pass(es) down\n", searchstr3, numofpasdn, numofpasdn);
00153       numofpas=numofpasup + numofpasdn - 1;
00154       printf("Total number: %d pass(es)\n", numofpas);
00156 // Number of points
00157       if ( fseek( fptr, 0L, SEEK_SET ) ) {
00158       printf( "fseek(): File seek failed!\n" );
00159       //getch();
00160       exit(-1);
00161       }
00162       result = fread( buf, sizeof( char ), filesize, fptr );
00164       printf( "Searched string \"%s\" found @ %d\n",searchstr4, result = wiff(buf, searchstr4) );
00165       sscanf(buf + result + sizeof (searchstr4) - 1, "%d", &numofpnt);
00166       printf("Number of Points: %d\n", numofpnt);     
00168 //points pro pass
00169       pointspropass= numofpnt / numofpas;
00170       printf("Number of points pro pass: %d\n", pointspropass);
00172 //# Index offset      
00173       printf( "Searched string \"%s\" found @ %d\n", searchstr5, result=wiff(buf, searchstr5) );
00174       headerbeginat=result;
00175       headerlength=wiff(buf + headerbeginat, "\n");
00176       printf("Header at %d, length %d\n", headerbeginat, headerlength );
00177       strncpy(buffer, buf + headerbeginat, headerlength + 1);
00178       printf( "Number of column(s), tabs method: %d\n", numcol = hmf(buffer, "\t", seps4) );    
00179       free(buffer);
00180       free( buf );
00181 // Wenn Methode#2 liefert nicht der gleiche Ergebnisse wie Methode #1
00182       if (numcol!=numofcol) printf("Warning! Number of column(s) %d is not equal to number of \"Yes\"(s) %d\n", numcol, numofcol);
00183 // Commandline parameters checkup
00184       if ((xcol>numcol) | (ycol>numcol) | (xcol==ycol)) 
00185       {
00186                   printf("Commandline parameters for columns are not correct!\n");
00187                   //getch();
00188                   exit(-1);
00189       }
00190 //Readout, format string
00191       formatstr = malloc (formatstrlen);
00192       if( formatstr == NULL ) {
00193       printf( "malloc(): Memory allocation failed!\n" );
00194       //getch();
00195       exit(-1);
00196       }
00197       strcpy(formatstr, "%d\t");
00198       for (i=1; i<=numcol -1; i++)
00199       {
00200       strcat(formatstr, "%f\t");
00201       }
00202       strcat(formatstr, "\n");
00203       printf("Format:%s", formatstr);
00204 //seek to begin of data
00205       if ( fseek( fptr, headerbeginat + headerlength + 1, SEEK_SET ) ) {
00206       printf( "fseek(): File seek failed!\n" );
00207       //getch();
00208       exit(-1);
00209       }
00210 //Readout      
00211       val = malloc( numofpnt * sizeof( float ) );
00212       if( val == NULL ) {
00213       printf( "malloc(): Memory allocation failed!\n" );
00214       //getch();
00215       exit(-1);
00216       }
00219       bias = malloc( (pointspropass + 1) * sizeof (float) );
00220       if( bias == NULL ) {
00221       printf( "malloc(): Memory allocation failed!\n" );
00222       //getch();
00223       exit(-1);
00224       }
00226       for (i = 0; i <= numofpnt - 1; i++) {
00227       //printf( "%d column(s) scanfed\n", fscanf( fptr, formatstr, &index, &readout[0], &readout[1], &readout[2], &readout[3], &readout[4], &readout[5], &readout[6], &readout[7], &readout[8], &readout[9], &readout[10], &readout[11], &readout[12], &readout[13], &readout[14], &readout[15], &readout[16], &readout[17], &readout[18], &readout[19], &readout[20], &readout[21] ) );
00228       fscanf( fptr, formatstr, &index, &readout[0], &readout[1], &readout[2], &readout[3], &readout[4], &readout[5], &readout[6], &readout[7], &readout[8], &readout[9], &readout[10], &readout[11], &readout[12], &readout[13], &readout[14], &readout[15], &readout[16], &readout[17], &readout[18], &readout[19], &readout[20], &readout[21] );
00229       //printf( formatstr, index, readout[0], readout[1], readout[2], readout[3], readout[4], readout[5], readout[6], readout[7], readout[8], readout[9], readout[10], readout[11], readout[12], readout[13], readout[14], readout[15], readout[16], readout[17], readout[18], readout[19], readout[20], readout[21]);
00230       if ((i >= pointspropass - 1) && (i<= 2*pointspropass - 1)) {
00231       bias[i-pointspropass + 1] = readout[xcol-2];
00232       //printf("%d %f", i, bias[i]);
00233       }
00234       val[i] = readout[ycol-2];
00235       //printf(" %f\n", val[i]);
00236       }
00237       fclose( fptr );
00239       for (i = 0; i <= pointspropass; i++){
00240           fprintf(fptr2, "%d\t%f\t", i, bias[i]);
00241           for (j=0; j < numofpas; j++){
00243           if ( j % 2 == 0) {
00244                fprintf(fptr2, "%f\t", val[(j + 1) * pointspropass - i - 1]);
00245                }
00246           else {
00247                fprintf(fptr2, "%f\t", val[j * pointspropass + i - 1]);               
00248                }
00250           }
00251           fprintf(fptr2, "\n");
00252       }
00254       fclose( fptr2 );
00255       free( bias );
00256       free( val );
00257       free(formatstr);
00258       //getch();
00259       return;    
00260 }

Generated on Sat Apr 1 09:04:29 2006 for GXSM by  doxygen 1.4.6